

Thursday, 2 January 2014

It's Cool for Cats

Whilst most felines are contented with a diet of wickie treats and Snappy Tom, ours are not.

We live under the supervision of two Ragdoll Cats who have made their position quite clear. They demand a certain amount of greenery in their diet and are determined to get it, one way or another.

Many's the time we've returned home to find Dianthus cuttings unceremoniously removed from water or pulled out of their propagating pot and thrown on the floor in protest of us not having any tasty green things available for them

They love nothing better than to trawl around the garden, chomping on blades of grass at will but unfortunately not everything that grows in the garden is safe for moggie munching. Cat grass (Ductylis glomerata), on the other hand, is perfectly suited to feline consumption and in fact is also a good source of vitamins and minerals. Cat grass assists with digestion and the removal of hairballs.

Ours are such voracious eaters of Cat Grass that we usually have at least 2 pots on the go so we can rotate and rest the pots and we've even begun planting our own pots from seeds!

The picture above shows a new pot, the pic to the right shows the same pot just 30 minutes later!

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