

Monday, 30 June 2014

Chameleon Roses & Possum Magic

One thing that intrigues me is just what chameleons roses can be, how the blooms change throughout the various stages of their development, how the colours can also vary depending on the season and how there can be different coloured roses on the very same bush at the same time.

Some of these photos were taken earlier this year, however the last half dozen or so were taken today, (1 July 2014)  which just goes to show how giving the Icebergs are.

Long Tall Sally

Long Tall Sally

Long Tall Sally

Princess de Monaco - always shows perfect form, always lovely!

Princess de Monaco

Princess de Monaco

Princess de Monaco

Princess de Monaco

Ebb Tide

Ebb Tide

Ebb Tide




Rosette Delizy

Rosette Delizy

Hero - 9am Tuesday
Hero - midday Tuesday

Hero - 6pm Wednesday

Chicago Peace - January

Chicago Peace - March

Chicago Peace - March (24 hours later)
Chicago Peace - April
Chicago Peace 48 hours later

But perhaps the biggest chameleons of all are the Icebergs, particularly the Blushing and Brilliant PInks. .Let's take a look at some of these. And yes, the white flower was really growing on the Brilliant Pink bush.

Brilliant Pink Iceberg

Brilliant Pink Iceberg

Brilliant Pink Iceberg

Brilliant Pink Iceberg
 Brilliant Pink Iceberg
Brilliant Pink Iceberg

Brilliant Pink Iceberg

Brilliant Pink Iceberg

Brilliant Pink Iceberg
Blushing Pink Iceberg bush

Blushing Pink Iceberg Bush

Blushing Pink Iceberg Patio
Blushing Pink Iceberg Patio Rose

And now for a little "Possum Magic". Luckily possums are such cute, furry little critters or I might be quite cross with them and their night snacking.

This used to be a fuchsia, until the possums magically made most of the leaves disappear!

Unfortunately this is not the only one like this. Many others have had a similar haircut and I'm hoping the leaves will regrow with a little TLC

I've moved the fuchsias away from the base of the tree that forms part of the HIGHway used by possums to move in and around our garden. Hopefully this will deter our night raiders.  Fingers crossed :)


  1. Yet another lovely selection of pix - this time roses all the way. Possums are only trying to help with the gardening and having dinner at the same time!

    1. Possums, with their huge bug eyes, are so cute that we can't help forgiving them their little transgressions. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Beautiful roses, Platy. Are they in pots permanently? Pink and Burgundy Icebergs sport frequently back to the parent. Watch the cane with white flowers, your whole plant might revert in time :).

    1. Thanks, Masha. I love your garden, it has given me something to aspire to. I have five roses (mainly standards) permanently in half barrels/water-well pots. The half barrels have a set of casters underneath them so they can be easily moved around. Another dozen or so are in temporary pots and we've just completed their new garden bed and they've started "moving in". Thanks for the tips on the Icebergs. I usually prune hard and will try to remove the cane producing white flowers on the Brilliant Pink.

  4. Your roses look so beautiful and happy! So very fresh and sweet. They are indeed chameleons.
